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Sputtering Target Materials

Sputtering Targets are available from a wide variety of compositions in various purity levels, allowing our customers to match targets to their specific requirements.


Sputter deposition has the advantages of reproducibility and simpler process automation - compared to E-Beam or thermal evaporation. Multiple variations in the sputter technique have been developed. Optical films can be deposited from a metal sputtertargets by oxidizing/ nitriding sputtered metal ions to deposit an oxide or nitride film layer of the desired composition.


DC magnetron sputtering is the technique used for metal targets that are electrically conducting. Oxide (insulating) sputtertargets can be sputtered by RF sputtering, but the rate is lower. Practically any material alloy, mixture, pure metal, oxide, nitride, boride, carbide can be supplied as a sputtertarget.


Please contact us if your required sputtering target material and/ or purity are not listed.

Sputtering Targets Manufacturing Processes

The specific manufacturing process used depends on the properties of the sputtering target material and the end use of the sputtering target itself. Classical and vacuum hot-pressing, cold-pressing and sintering and vacuum melting and casting are routinely employed in the production of a variety of sputtering sources.


State-of-the-art powder mixing and/or alloying through sintering and/or melting of raw materials and subsequent grinding allow us to meet the highest quality standards. Each production lot of material is sent through various analytical processes, and a certificate of analysis is provided with each shipment.


Grain structure is a key factor in a sputtering target’s process performance.  Finer grain sizes reduce variation in film uniformity and deposition rates.  Random, or equiaxed, grain orientation also improves film uniformity.  Properly controlling the grain structure of the target enables higher yielding, more consistent deposition processes.


We use a variety of advanced manufacturing methods to produce sputter targets with a very fine grain structure and from our broad portfolio of sputtering target materials in nearly any shape or size.

Sputtering Target Bonding & Backing Plates

Depending on the particular system and material your sputtering target may require bonding. Backing plates can be fabricated to match virtually any target composition and configuration. We will perform bonding/de-bonding of sputter targets ordered from us or of sputtering targets and backing plates provided by the customer.

Further information on our bonding services can be found here.

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